Sempai Natasha Landra

Natasha Landra

Sempai Natasha Landra - nidan (2nd dan) Senior Instructor

I’m passionate about many athletic endeavours, but I enjoy Traditional Shotokan Karate the most. After 16+ years I still learn something new every class. I love that karate can be done for life, at any age or capability. Karate has increased my confidence and determination, but most importantly it has enabled life-long friendships and community. I am currently training for my next dan grading, as well as pursuing my judge’s examinations.

Outside of the dojo I enjoy training my horse, playing hockey, baking cupcakes, and going on adventures with my husband.

Facts about me

  • Karate is in the family; my mom, sister and little brother are all black belts as well.
  • My horse's name is SoCo.
  • I am a voracious reader.
  • I grew up on a farm.
  • I can't swim.


SKC Calgary NW

If you want to try Shotokan Karate in Calgary then Shotokan Karate Club in NW Calgary is the place to go. Now accepting new students from ages 7 and up. Kids and adults are welcome to visit and try Shotokan Karate for a training session for free.

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