Our Dojo

Our Dojo

Dojo - Bearspaw Lifestyle Centre

Our dojo uses the Bearspaw Lifestyle Centre for is current home. With 1,200 square foot of space, we have plenty of room for our classes.

Our club is affiliated to ISKF (International Shotokan Karate Federation). Training days are Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. For times and class types click here for schedule. Gradings and special seminars take place throughout the year at ISKF Calgary in the NE and there are several competitions throughout the year across Canada. These can be viewed on our Calendar of Events page - click here to view.

Dojo Etiquette

In traditional martial arts, the dojo ("place of the way") is understood to be a special space, different from the other spaces of day-to-day experience. Dojo etiquette and protocol reflect our respect for tradition, our commitment to train together diligently, and our readiness to focus all our attention on the work at hand. It is important to learn these protocols, follow them, and contemplate their meaning.

Be prompt. Arrive before class begins. If you come in late, be seated by the door and wait for permission to join practice.

Always bow when entering or leaving the dojo. Direct your bow to the senior person present and acknowledge his or her presence with the greeting "Osu" (pronounced "Oos").

Junior students are expected to look to seniors for guidance, imitate their behaviour, and treat them with respect and consideration.

Senior students are expected to set a good example for juniors, protect them from injury, help them learn, and treat them with respect and consideration.

Behave appropriately in the dojo (literally, "place of the Way"). Remove your shoes before entering. Speak quietly and maintain an attitude appropriate for serious practice. Eating, drinking, chewing gum, and using cell phones are not permitted in the dojo.

dojo etiquette

dojo bow

dojo seiza

Formal Start of Class

The start of class is indicated by Sensei simply by the command "line-up". All students are required to line up in order from the highest rank down to the lowest. Shoulder to shoulder with the highest rank on your left. Sensei will then stand in the middle of the Dojo facing his students, turn and kneel down facing the front of the dojo (Shomen).

The highest ranking student will then say:-

"Seiza". Students are required to kneel down with their knees in line, backs straight and hands on their thighs.

"Mokuso". Students will close eyes and this is a time of reflection.

"Mokuso Yame". Students will open eyes.

"Shomen Ni-Rei". Students will bow to the front.

Sensei will then turn to face his students.

"Sensei Ni-Rei". Students will bow to Sensei and say "Osu".

Sensei will stand and say "Tatte". Students will stand and wait for Sensei to start the class.

Formal End of Class

Assume the same line up positions as for the start of class. Sensei will then stand in the middle of the Dojo facing his students, turn and kneel down facing the front of the dojo (Shomen).

The highest ranking student will then say:-

"Seiza". Students are required to kneel down with their knees in line, backs straight and hands on their thighs.

"Mokuso". Students will close eyes and this is a time of reflection.

"Mokuso Yame". Students will open eyes.

"Dojo Kun". The highest ranking student will then recite the Dojo Kun line by line, either in English or Japanese, and the rest of the students will repeat.

Hitotsu: Jinkaku kansei ni tsutomuru koto
Seek perfection of character

Hitotsu: Makoto no michi o mamoru koto
Be faithful

Hitotsu: Doryoku no seishin o yashinau koto

Hitotsu: Reigi o omonzuru koto
Respect others

Hitotsu: Keki no yu o imashimuru koto
Refrain from violent behaviour

"Shomen Ni-Rei". Students will bow to the front.

Sensei will then turn to face his students.

"Sensei Ni-Rei". Students will bow to Sensei and say "Osu".

Sensei will stand and bow to the students. Students will bow and say "Domo Sensei" (thank you).

The highest ranking student will then say "tatte". Students Stand.

"Shomen Ni-Rei". Students bow to front.

The highest ranking student will then turn to his right to face the rest of the class. The rest of the class will turn to their left to face the highest ranking student. The second highest student will then say:-

"Sempai Ni-Rei". All bow.

End of class.

SKC Calgary NW

If you want to try Shotokan Karate in Calgary then Shotokan Karate Club in NW Calgary is the place to go. Now accepting new students from ages 7 and up. Kids and adults are welcome to visit and try Shotokan Karate for a training session for free.

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